Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Music Today!

iTunes has "New Music Tuesdays." I decided that I want something similar. However, I know very well that I am not put together enough to publish something about my new music on any regular basis, whether that is every week or every year. So I have created New Music Today! Therefore, whichever day I publish it will be the right day. And everyone will cheer! (I can hope can't I?)

So here it goes... These are the albums I have downloaded recently. Yes there are a lot, it has been a big month :) DON'T JUDGE!

Lifehouse - Who We Are

Meiko - Meiko

Original Soundtrack from "Between Love & Goodbye"

Colbie Caillat - Breakthrough

Delphinium Blue - The Secret Life of Boys

Julien-K - Death to Analog

Madonna - Confessions on a Dancefloor

Cage the Elephant - Cage the Elephant

Paramore - Brand New Eyes

Mariah Carey - Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel

New Phone

Yep it is true! I finally got the much awaited cell phone upgrade today! After giving my brother my new phone a few months ago (that I only sorta liked anyway) when his phone died, I now finally stole his upgrade to get a new phone that I wanted. Exciting I know! So far, I love it. All five hours of it ;)

I got the LG Xenon from At&t. It is not the phone I have wanted for like ever! But that one needs a hefty data plan so this was the next best thing. It is a touch screen slider with a full QWERTY keyboard. It is super nice for texting. My thumbs are learning quickly, although they have to move much further to get to the keys LOL. It is fun though. I love getting new toys :) I am sure there will be more posts revolving around the phone. Especially as it is basically attached to my body.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Birthday Celebration!

Today is my best Buddy Tyler's Birthday! YAY! I know you are stalking this post Tyler so just wanted to say Happy Birthday in case you deleted my crazy email (I wouldn't blame you lol). AND I found these cute things to post... so here's to you Tyler! Welcome to Seventeen :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I think I may have an addiction to posting videos. Or maybe just YouTube searching. Anyway, I found this movie and loved it!! Probably the funniest thing ever. As well as being super cute and amazing and sweet and yeah basically fabulous. Loved it all around! I recommend everyone see it!! If you would like to I'd be happy to loan it to you :)

Health Care Video -

Can you say hilarious?! I laughed so hard at this video. Which, I guess in reality is really sad. But this video has a great message and delivers it in a great way. Maybe if more people see it they will come to their senses!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall has descended...

Let me just start by saying that today was freezing!! True, there was no snow, and not even that much rain. But the first cold fall day after summer is always sad. I woke up this morning, looked outside, and thought: "What is this?! It is summer!!." Then I realized it is mid september. Which is still summer!!! But getting later...
I am not ready for fall to start. I love the changing colors and I especially love being able to change wardrobes and start wearing fun new clothes. And omg scarves! But still, I want summer to stay.

*one moment while I get distracted shopping for scarves (not that this is live or anything)*

The cold brings sad feelings normally. It always makes me wish there was someone warm to hug me. If such a person were around I would probably love cold weather! But until then I sit here lonely blogging. Good fun! Ok.. I am done being emo. For the moment. Back to looking for scarves!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance! - Great Couple

I saw this on the premier of So You Think You Can Dance. After the controversy last year with same sex dance couples it was great to see the judges response to these two. And they are simply amazing I think. I love their dance. It has so much emotion. And I love the Adele song they chose too. Great all around! I hope they go far.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Epic Search for an Epic Sticker

The title says it all! I need an epic sticker to put on my laptop; actually, a lot more than one. So, everyone should go out and through their own mischievous ways FIND ME A STICKER. It needs to be cool. :)

True That!

My bestie friend Tyler, who made fun of my first post, reminded me in an email like three seconds ago that I have a major addiction to the phrase "true that!" I am slowly getting over it but it is not working so well. So if I say that, don't judge. TRUE THAT! or TRUE THIS! Both work...

Bits of Equality

This photo cracked me up! All I could think is "Love it!!"

Quicksand by Everly - Amazing

So I found this song a few days ago and it has literally become one of those had-it-on-repeat songs. Just as proof, I bought the song Monday (yes after having watched the season premier of One Tree Hill, don't judge) and as of right now the play count is 52. Make that 53 as I am listening to it this very moment.

Not sure what it is about Quicksand (although I tend to love everything Bethany Joy does; she is amazing!) but the lyrics are just enchanting and pull me in over and over again. They even made my Facebook status (not that difficult really) with the line: "they think your gone forever; I know the truth, it's just getting hard to believe it."

I found this youtube version of the entire song, however, you should all go buy it!! Everly is an amazing group and they need our support.

And it begins...

Wow, the title sounds so very ominous. Maybe I should change it. Nope. Anyway, this is the first post and therefore the beginning. Not really much to say about it. This post is boring. Ignore it.